Saturday, March 31, 2007


This was a two days workshop which started on 1st March at Interaction Design classroom. "Massimo Banzi" and "Adam Solmai-Fischer" were tutor for this workshop.

Here is the photograph of Massimo and Adam. Massimo was associate proff. in Interaction Design Institute Ivrea and inventor of "arduino". Adam is an architect and he runs his own toy company.

1st March.
On the first day of the workshop Massimo and Adam came with lots of toys and different sensors. There was a small session of lecture from Massimo and Adam.

First day went in just understanding sensors and internal structures of toys. Constraint was given to create a new interactive toy (with the help of other toys) as a final product.

2nd March.
On the next day we formed groups of three people to come up with final product. I worked with Ankit Shekhavat (India) and Soelvi Finnoey (Norway). After some discussion we finally decided to make an annoying car. We took three sound sensors and one motion sensors.

Initially we worked upon using the sensors. One of the three sound sensors was connected to a motor, so when someone creates a noise that motor automatically triggers and it starts running. As this motor starts running, motion sensor gets activated and creates more sounds. Sounds created by motion sensor activates another three sound sensors again and intensity of sound is increased with the increased in the speed of the car. This cycle continuously works and the car runs and annoying sounds are created till the battery gets exhausted. Here we used mixture of sounds created by cats, police van and machine guns. We used all the sensors in such a way that when any of these sensors are activated it create more sounds.

This is the internal sturcture created for running the car. We put this circuit in a red box purposefully as nobody can understand what actually the product is.

After completing the final product we gave it a name "annoyer" and we tested it whether it is working properly or not.

In this image we were running behind the car and finally our product "annoyer" worked properly.

other projects
1. Language, Literacy and Mobile UI - Nokia
2 surprise-interaction design lab
3. giftin-mobile application-icon media lab
4. camima-robotically yours
5. come fly with us-retail therapy
6. two halves
7. hacking keyboards
8. annoyer-interactive toys